


取代: May 2019, September 2015, June 2012, January 2011, September 2005


蒙哥马利县社区学院的目标是建立一个现代化的 模范工作场所,为校园社区提供安全可靠的环境, 学院将对所有潜在员工和志愿者进行背景调查.

根据宾夕法尼亚州第153号法案,所有未来的员工,现在的员工, independent contractors, and volunteers who have direct contact with children, as defined by law, will be required to 提交 to three mandatory 许可: PA Child 滥用许可,PA国家警察刑事许可,和联邦调查局指纹许可. 此外,2019年5月以后聘用的所有潜在教员都将被要求 to 提交 to these same three 许可.


蒙哥马利县社区学院人力资源部应发起 an appropriate background check on every prospective employee and volunteer. Background checks will be conducted by an independent entity whose primary business it is to 进行背景调查. 人力资源部会的 initiate 许可 如本政策所述. Clearances will be completed in accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Human 服务’ procedures.


在收到录用通知或志愿者请求后,人力资源部 会发一封电子邮件解释电子背景调查的过程和提纲吗 the College’s intent to conduct a background check. The background check company contacts 有安全登录名和密码的潜在员工或志愿者 他们将在哪里阅读《bet36365体育网站》规定的权利摘要 (FCRA) and complete the background check form. As a condition of employment or volunteering, an authorization for release of information covered by the FCRA must be signed. 未来的 不愿签署授权表格的员工和志愿者将被淘汰 从选择过程来看.


  • 刑事重罪和轻罪-执行基本的刑事搜查,通过搜查发现重罪和轻罪 county courthouse records corresponding to an applicant’s address history. 这个搜索 finds, confirms, and reports a candidate’s felony and misdemeanor records history.
  • SSN跟踪显示与社会安全号码(SSN)关联的名称和地址 征信局记录. This provides the essential information necessary for other services and can help detect an incorrect or compromised SSN.
  • 全国刑事搜查-报告包括州和县犯罪记录,假释记录和性犯罪者 注册表检查. As opposed to the 刑事重罪和轻罪 search, this search 提供申请人未居住地区的犯罪信息. 这个搜索 is based on the applicants name and date of birth.
  • 国家性犯罪者登记处—Reveals records for known sex offenders by checking U.S. 司法部数据库. 结果包括所有50个州的登记性犯罪者信息 哥伦比亚、波多黎各和关岛.

人力资源部将决定是否有以下任何额外的背景 checks will be required for the position:

  • 教育报道-直接与机构或他们的机构确认学位、证书或文凭要求 授权代理. Results are checked against a database of fictitious schools and 文凭工厂和包括机构名称,出勤日期,目前的状态和 degree, certificate, or diploma issued with award dates.
  • 机动车辆监察报告(机动车辆纪录)-显示个人驾驶执照的状态,执照类型,背书, restrictions, driving violations, suspensions, and revocations. 建议对MVR进行检查 for any applicant that may be driving a truck, company car, or heavy machinery. In 在一些州,像酒后驾车这样的定罪是不被报道的 on court records, but are revealed in the driving record.
  • 信用记录查询—Reviews the comprehensive credit history of a candidate. 它提供信息 about the status of negative accounts, accounts in collections, inquiries by third 派对等等. Understanding credit history may be relevant for individuals with access to cash, budgets, or discretionary spending.

Act 153 mandates three additional 许可: 私人助理禁止虐待儿童s, PA State 警察犯罪许可,和联邦犯罪历史记录(CHRI)通过联邦调查局 指纹识别. The College requires all three 许可 for prospective faculty employees hired after May 2019; and for prospective employees, current employees, independent contractors, and volunteers who have direct contact with children. 直接 接触包括照顾、监督、指导或控制儿童和日常事务 interaction, which includes regular and repeated contact that is integral to their 责任. Act 153 exempts higher education institutions from obtaining 许可 if the contact with children involves matriculated students enrolled at the school or prospective students visiting the campus. All prospective employees hired after 2019年5月完成的所有费用和收费 雇佣许可.

New 许可 must be obtained every five years. 人力资源部会的 contact current employees when new 许可 are required.

  • 未来的员工- PA儿童虐待许可,PA州警察刑事许可和FBI指纹 must be completed prior to an employee starting at the College. 未来的员工 may be hired pending the successful outcome of the required background checks and 许可.
  • 现有员工-这些许可可以在员工在公司工作期间的任何时间点要求 College when it is determined that the employee’s position meets the criteria for 这种检查和许可.
  • 独立承包人-负责照顾、监督、指导或控制的独立承包商 儿童或经常与儿童接触的人 part of their 责任 are required to obtain 许可.
  • 志愿者—志愿者 who are age 18 or older are required to obtain the 许可 if they 提供照顾,监督,指导或控制儿童或如果他们有定期 and repeated contact with children as an integral part of their 责任. 过去10年一直居住在宾州的成年志愿者不需要 to complete the FBI 指纹识别; however, they must affirm in writing that they 不会因触犯第?条的罪行而被取消服役资格 美国法律第23编第6344条. Any adult volunteer who has lived outside of the state within the past 10 years must obtain the FBI 指纹识别 check.
  • PA州警察许可-该许可将对请求者提供的信息与罪犯进行核对 history database maintained by the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository.
  • 私人助理禁止虐待儿童-大多数州都有虐待儿童的记录,但记录的方式不同 and the reasons for having them vary by state. The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History 清关检查将提供申请人的资料,他们是否 listed in the Pennsylvania statewide database as a perpetrator of child abuse.
  • Federal Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)- CHRI是FBI基于指纹的背景调查的结果 核实身份并获取任何刑事逮捕和定罪的最新记录.

是否录用取决于背景调查和通关结果. 就业 or volunteering begin after the background check and clearance results 的资料,并经检讨后令人力资源总监满意 or to the satisfaction of his or her designee. When adequate time does not exist to 完成背景调查程序,如与兼职教员合作,取得满意的成绩 background check will be a condition for continued employment. 临时的宣誓书 employment in compliance with Pennsylvania Act 153 will also be signed.

Pre-Adverse and Adverse Action 程序

当背景调查和审查结果需要进一步审查时 学院将以书面形式通知潜在员工、现任员工或志愿者 沟通. In addition to this letter, the prospective employee, current employee, 或志愿者将收到《bet36365体育网站》规定的权利摘要 以及他们的消费者信用报告. The prospective employee, current employee, or volunteer will be given three days to contact the 人力资源 Department to schedule an appointment to explain the background check and clearance results. 如果未来 雇员或潜在的志愿者没有提供令人满意的理由解释 结果在三天内,未来的员工或潜在的志愿者将 no longer be considered for the position in question. 如果现任员工或志愿者 未能在三日内提供令人满意的理由,解释结果; he or she will no longer be considered an employee or volunteer of the College.

如果学院拒绝雇用候选人或继续雇用现有员工 或者由于背景调查而发现的信息而自愿 人力资源部将使用不利行动通知通知候选人 letter that he or she is not eligible for employment at the College.

通过背景调查发现的信息将保留在《bet36365体育网站》杂志的档案中 以及与申请过程有关的其他材料, for the period of time mandated by law.