


数量: 3.6


取代: 2020年5月、2014年3月、2008年4月


In the interest of due process, the College provides an appeal process for a student who believes that a recorded final grade does not accurately reflect his/her academic 课程表现. This policy is applicable for both credit and non-credit 产品. Grades can be appealed in instances where a student believes that an inaccurate final grade has been issued due to: a mechanical error, such as miscalculation of final grade or error in recording final grade; inconsistent grading practice, such as grade not based on student’s academic performance in the course and/or grade based on standards different from those applied to other students in that course; or a deviation from the syllabus, such as an unannounced, unreasonable, and/or ungrounded change from the instructor’s previously articulated standards.. 对于学术不诚实的问题, 请参阅学院的 学生学术道德规范.


As the initiator of the process, the burden of proof is on the student to demonstrate 分数不准确. It is incumbent upon the student, while attempting to resolve the issue, to strictly adhere to the established appeal procedure below.


  1. The student must attempt to seek resolution through discussion with the course faculty within fourteen (14) calendar** days of final grade posting. 如果学生没有 feel that a satisfactory solution has been reached within those 14 days, the student has ten (10) calendar days to 提交 a 成绩上诉表格 给系主任/项目主任.
  2. Division Dean/Program Director will have ten (10) business days to investigate, document evidence, and determine the validity of the claim.
  3. If the Division Dean/Program Director deems that the grade appeal has merit in accordance with the 年级的吸引力 definition listed above, the Dean/Program Director will fill out the recommendation section of the grade appeal form, which will then be forwarded 转教务. A representative from 学术事务 will contact faculty with the Division Dean/Program Director’s decision and will then schedule an Ad Hoc Committee for 尽快商议.
  4. The Ad Hoc Committee will be comprised of a full-time faculty member, a student representative, and an 学术事务 administrator appointed as to not represent the division involved.
  5. The Assistant/Associate Vice President of 学术事务 (ex-officio Chairperson) will convene a Committee on Academic Progress to hear the grade appeal.
    • Grade appeal hearings will be scheduled as soon as possible. 坚持快 timeframe is critical to resolving appeals in a timely fashion.
    • The Committee will be comprised of a full-time faculty member, a student representative and an 学术事务 administrator appointed as to not represent the division involved.
    • Five (5) business* days prior to the meeting, the Assistant/Associate Vice President of 学术事务 will electronically distribute to all involved parties the completed 成绩上诉表格 including corresponding attachments for review prior to the hearing via email. 所有 parties involved should review materials prior to the meeting.
    • At the hearing, the student and course faculty will have opportunity to further present their positions and address posed questions by the Committee and Vice President of 学术事务. The student is permitted to bring one guest to the hearing who will 以观察员的身份服务. The Division Dean will participate as an observer. 所有 materials presented and discussion at the hearing and among the Committee is to 保密. At the request of the Vice President of 学术事务, the student or course faculty might be asked to provide additional supporting documentation 或者听证会后的证据.
    • The Committee will have two business* days from the conclusion of the hearing to discuss and make a written recommendation to the Vice President of 学术事务. 建议 must include an evidenced-based rationale and be signed by voting Committee members. Electronic and hard documents produced in association with the appeal process should not be held by Committee members beyond the recommendation.
    • The Vice President of 学术事务 will review evidence and take the Committee 正在考虑的建议. Within five (5) business* days of receipt of the Committee recommendation, the Vice President of 学术事务 will render, in writing, a detailed rationale for the decision to the student, instructor, and copies to all parties involved in the hearing the grade appeal decision, which is final.
  6. The Assistant/Associate Vice President of 学术事务 will destroy electronic and hard document copies associated with the grade appeal. 永久的记录 proceedings including hardcopy of the final written decision of the Vice President of 学术事务 is kept in a confidential file in the 教务处.

* Business is defined as day of College operation with classes in session excluding 周末.
** Calendar day is defined as a day of the week