Records Retention

Board of Trustees Policy: 5.12

Date: June 2023

Supersedes: June 2007


蒙哥马利县社区学院(“学院”)致力于维护 创建、接收的机密记录和信息的完整性和安全性; 由书院维护及/或储存于其教学过程中 and research missions. This Records Retention Policy (this "Policy") addresses the 有义务确保机密信息不被未经授权或非法披露. 它旨在反映联邦和州有关隐私和保密的法律 记录,以及针对特定类别的学院政策和程序 of records and information. 

This Policy is intended to: 

  • Define confidential records;
  • 维护保护措施,防止未经授权或意外泄露机密 records;
  • 定义特定文件或记录所需的时间长度 maintained and stored;
  • Define and establish accountability; and
  • 在处理机密资料时确定合理谨慎的适当措施; 包括在储存、运输、处理和销毁过程中的保护.


学院尊重其学生,教师和工作人员的隐私和管理 records to safeguard privacy.  The College complies with applicable laws and good 它创建、接收、维护和存储的记录的业务实践.

Confidential Records

The following types of records are considered "Confidential":

  1. 1974年《bt365体育备用网站》规定的教育记录.
  2. 个人雇佣记录,包括雇佣、任命、晋升、 聘用期限、工资、绩效、终止及其他情况.
  3. 包含健康保险定义的“受保护的健康信息”的记录 Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended ("HIPAA").
  4. Records the use of which has been restricted by contract.
  5. 学院的所有行政记录,除了某些例外,例如 which must be open in conformance with law.
  6. Records which might expose the College to legal liability if exposed.

如对某项记录是否为机密记录有任何疑问,用户应 treat the record as confidential until directed otherwise.    

Safeguards Against Unauthorized or Accidental Disclosure

在记录被妥善处理之前,各部门都有责任确保其安全 对其记录的查阅、维护和处置,无论记录的内容如何 format and/or location. Each Department is accountable for ensuring that employees, 和其他人,只被允许访问对履行至关重要的机密信息 of their duties. Further, each Department must ensure that those granted access are 培训并采取合理的保护措施来保护机密信息.  校长应指定一名保管人负责确保每个部门 adheres to the requirements of this Policy. 

Records Storage and Disposition

原产地部门可以在其办公室保管和保存记录,只要 根据学院的规定,所有记录均有权销毁和处置 Records Retention Schedule. 

以电子方式创建、保留或存储的记录的维护和处理 format shall proceed on the same basis as traditional records. Unless retention is 除非法律要求,纸质记录被扫描成安全的数字记录 format may be immediately disposed of by shredding. The resulting digital file must 的资料,并在必要时加以更新,以确保保留为 required by this Policy. Each Department shall authorize the storage, destruction, 以及处置其职权范围内的记录的准则 College's Records Retention Schedule. All documents will be properly shredded prior to disposal.

Records Retention Schedule

The College's Records Retention Schedule 是否有规定记录保存时间长度的指南. 该附表旨在涵盖所有具有合法, regulatory or management retention requirement.

保管人应被告知未被记录保留所涵盖的任何记录 Schedule. 监护人将在与学院法律顾问协商后决定, 是否销毁有关纪录,或将有关纪录加入纪录保存 Schedule.

Duplicate records should be destroyed and disposed of as early as practical.

在索赔、诉讼、政府事件中暂停记录保留计划 Investigation, Subpoena, Summons, or Other Ongoing Matters

法律程序(传票、传票等)送达后,或得知 调查或审计,或提出索赔,无论是正式的还是非正式的,或 发生争议时,应暂停《bt365体育备用网站》并保留相关记录 对法律程序、索赔、争议、调查或审计不得毁损; pending resolution of the matter.

Extended Retention Period

超出记录保存指南的记录 Schedule will be disposed of in accordance with this Policy.

Destruction Authorization

已经过了生命周期活跃阶段的大学记录 不再需要在原办公室进行日常运作 office may be identified by office staff. When those records have reached the conclusion 在其保留期限内,原籍局将为其启动程序 records’ destruction and disposal.

在达到记录保留时间表规定的期限后,或 任何延期,销毁记录应由上级授权 officer of the Division of origin. Requests for records destruction and disposal may be initiated by the senior officer.

Destruction Record

销毁记录是描述和记录这些记录的清单 授权销毁的所有格式,以及销毁的日期、代理和方法 destruction. 销毁记录本身不得包含任何保密信息. 预计销毁记录的副本应保留在办公室 of origin. The destruction record may be retained in paper, digital, or other format.

Violations of this Policy

Violations of this Policy will be treated seriously. Employees’ failure to comply with this Policy may lead to discipline, up to and including termination. Student 学院雇用的员工违反本政策将被终止其工作 并可能根据学生行为准则受到纪律处分. 其他受本政策保护的人可能会失去与志愿者签订合同的机会 for, or otherwise provide service to the College. Depending on the circumstances, 违规者还可能受到联邦法律的刑事或民事起诉 or state laws.