


取代: December 2016, June 2008, June 2004


This policy preserves the stability and security of the College’s information technology resources, protects the College from inappropriate use, and ensures reasonable accessibility to technology resources for the College’s academic community. 该政策还规定了 the access and use of all College technology and data, including 任何设备 that accesses or uses the College’s network or data.


1. 可接受的使用 

a. 机构使用
Use of all College information technology resources should be for 目的 that are consistent with the non-profit educational mission and the policies and legal requirements (including license agreements and terms of service) of the College, and not for commercial 目的.  

b. 个人使用 
用户 solely responsible for their personal use of College technology resources as well as the 内容 of their personal communications. 个人使用的学院 technology resources should be incidental and kept to a minimum.

c. 禁止使用
Use of the College’s information technology resources should not violate applicable federal, state, and local law, including U. S. copyright law, or College policies, and, if travel is involved, the laws of the relevant nation or state. 大学资源 may not be used to store, transmit, or communicate malicious, harassing, or defamatory 内容.  

2. 访问和隐私

While the College takes reasonable measures to protect the security of its computing resources, the College cannot guarantee absolute security and privacy. 系统用户 should have no expectation of privacy. In cases of 知情权法案》, requests, administrative or judicial proceedings, law enforcement investigations, or similar inquiries, information stored electronically may be released to outside parties. 而学院没有 routinely monitor the activity of users for violation of this 政策, situations may arise where the College may have the need to view information or email or monitor 用户在网络上的活动. Causes for access may include, but are not limited to the health or safety of individuals or property; violations of College policies, or 地方、州或联邦法律 

3. Protection of College Resources

Users of College information technology resources are responsible for protecting College data, including its confidentiality, integrity, access, retention, and disposal, in accordance with the College’s IT安全 政策, Record Retention 政策, and other 适用的学院政策.  College technological resources should be used for educational 目的 and to carry out the legitimate business of the College, and should not be used in a way that disrupts or otherwise interferes with any College activities or systems, or that are inconsistent with the College’s policies or goals. 用户 responsible for following published security guidance to ensure that all their devices that access College technology resources are adequately protected. 

4. 违规及处罚

Violations of the policy, where applicable, may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from employment, expulsion from further study and termination, or suspension 网络特权. The College also reserves the right to notify appropriate legal authorities ifits system is used in a manner that constitutes a violation of any local, 州或联邦法律.


有关的细节和例子 特殊的方面 of this policy may be found in the document “Guidelines for Compliance with the 可接受的技术使用 政策."

对这项政策有任何疑问吗 或者它的应用 a particular situation should be referred to the Vice President for Information Technology and 制度的有效性. 


Some 内容 used with permission from Princeton University Information Security Office.