
Understanding the History of Slavery And Its Impact on 美国n 文化

美国的种族主义: How much do we really understand about the colonization of North 美国? 是什么驱使欧洲人来到北美? 早期的殖民者做了什么 希望从殖民中获益? 我们对奴隶制的结构到底了解多少 and the policies and laws established to keep this system in place? 通过 a historical lens, this seven part series will delve deep into why slavery came into 存在和奴隶制是如何建立的. 我们将分析种族主义的影响 “illuminate the efficient systems–both dejure and defacto–that were put in place” to control and “dehumanize African 美国ns,” a system of segregation and discrimination that is threaded deeply into our social system, which still permeates in our society 今天.

本系列由Fran L. 东街,Ph值.D.蒙哥马利大学英语教授 县社区学院.

Europeans, Native 美国ns and Africans: The Origins of Slavery and Race Prejudice 在美洲

Aaron Shatzman的照片主持人:Aaron M. Shatzman, Ph值.D.蒙哥马利县社区社会科学学院院长 大学

Dr. Shatzman, will feature vivid visual evidence from English, French and Spanish 美国—including the first image of Native 美国ns to circulate widely in Europe—that will help us to understand the reasons for colonization, the expectations of the colonizers, and the attitudes of Europeans to both the peoples they encountered in the New World 以及他们从非洲带来的人. 他将以讨论结束 two vastly different interpretations by historians of the nature and impact of slavery 关于主人和奴隶.



Catherine Kerrison的照片由凯瑟琳·克里森博士介绍.D.维拉诺瓦大学历史学教授

Dr. Kerrison will explore the construction of race in English North 美国. 考试 of a series of laws passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses (the colonial assembly) traces the incremental and intentional steps of this process. 对于每一条法律,我们都提出要求 two main questions: What are its deeper implications and what did the legislators 坚持从中获益? 到最后 of the session, participants will understand why it is possible to have racist outcomes even without racist intentions. 也就是说,他们 will have seen the ways in which the law institutionalizes racist attitudes while it also promotes and legitimizes racist practices, in mutually reinforcing ways.



Catherine Kerrison的照片由凯瑟琳·克里森博士介绍.D.维拉诺瓦大学历史学教授

在接下来的会议中,Dr. 克里逊将从革命时代向我们展示如何 through the antebellum period, skin color became determinative of a person’s condition 自由的或被奴役的. This session traces how those formerly porous boundaries of condition become calcified, as whiteness became associated with freedom and blackness with enslavement. This racialized regime comes to define the limits of 公民hip as well, as white 美国ns become increasingly unable to imagine a republic composed of white and Black 公民. Defined out of 公民hip and relegated to menial labor by the Civil War, Black 美国ns will face an uphill climb even after the abolition of slavery in 1865.


Abandoned and Violated: African 美国ns in the 吉姆 Crow South, 1877-1945

Theresa Napson-Williams摄Theresa Napson-Williams博士介绍.D.蒙哥马利大学历史学副教授 县社区学院

Dr. Napson-Williams will discuss the rise of 吉姆 Crow, a system of segregation and discrimination that took hold in the South after Reconstruction. 这堂课将 illuminate the efficient systems-both dejure and defacto-that were put in place. 吉姆 Crow policies sought to exclude and dehumanize African 美国ns as they moved through Southern communities attempting to work, to vote and simply to exist. 此外, the bodies of African 美国ns were violated through acts of violence- including 私刑、种族骚乱和不平等的司法体系. 成千上万的男人、女人和孩子, 被指控犯罪,被吊在绳子的一端. 另一些人则在南方遭遇了迅速的不公正 法院. 吉姆 Crow policies ruthlessly perpetuated and enshrined African 美国n subordination 在20世纪的大部分时间里.


What Laws Were Created in the 20th Century that Further Perpetuated Racism and How 这些法律今天还在影响我们吗?

莱拉·邓巴-基斯的照片Presented by Lailah Dunbar-Keeys, Community 大学 of Philadelphia

夫人. Dunbar-Keeys will delve into the how racism was proactively created and how it 一直影响着今天的美国文化. 在本次会议结束时,与会者 will have a better understanding why these laws were created and how 20th Century 政策影响着我们今天的思维.


White Fragility and White Privilege: Unpacking the Truth of Racism

克里斯汀·奥斯坦多夫的照片Presented by Kristen Ostendorf, William Penn Charter School, 美国n and Global History

夫人. Ostendorf will examine the invisible force of racism and how even "nice" white 人们使美国的种族主义永久化. 利用佩吉·麦金托什和 Robin D'Angelo, among others, she will unpack the “invisible knapsacks” of white privilege 和美国的脆弱. 首先是看似无形的白人特权 美国n society, and the second is the defensiveness many white people have around 种族问题. 到最后 of the session, participants will be able to recognize fragility around racial issues and how, after decades of civil rights activism, racial 不平等现象在我们的社会中仍然普遍存在.


What Are We Doing Today That Continues to Perpetuate Racism and What Can We Do, as 一个主动消灭种族主义的社会?

莱拉·邓巴-基斯的照片Presented by Lailah Dunbar-Keeys, Community 大学 of Philadelphia

在接下来的会议中. 邓巴-基斯探讨了我们的社会是如何无意识地 perpetuates racism and examines ways we can proactively destroy racism. 到最后 of this session, participants will have a better understanding of what perpetuates 种族主义和我们能做些什么来帮助我们的国家愈合.




理查德·K. Bennett Distinguished Lectureship for Social Peace and Justice is supported through an endowment made from the William Penn Foundation through the Bennett Fund 蒙哥马利县社区学院基金会主席.